Making Work from Home work...

Hello there,

I hope you are safe and sound and in the protective cocoon of your home during this pandemic.
It is such a sensitive time for us all. And we can do our best help to this world by keeping ourselves safe and taking the wiser route of social distancing. It would truly reduce the burden on our lives and on those people, who regardless of the lock-down and the risks, are still doing their service to the society. In times like this, it is in the best interests of everyone to act smart and act humane, and respect those who are putting their lives on the line for others.
And I'm sure we will all come out of this stronger, more prepared and more kind, for true strength lies in the kindness of people.

A lock-down. We are all indoors, working from the premises of our homes. And to say that it is tough would not be wrong. Yes it is the right thing to do at this point of time, but it is also a challenge to stay productive, especially when we associate coming home as a sign of comfort and relaxation. Coming home for me means a break from the hectic schedules of college. It means coming home to the comfort of good food and not having the need to follow a time table and set an alarm. But this time, coming home meant progression of conditions downhill. I just didn't have to heart to accept that I had to swoop up all my essentials to leave for home, for a duration unknown. As much as I was craving for a break, along with numerous other students, this break was not something I was ready to spend. I definitely learnt one thing; that sometimes situations change so fast and so drastically and all we can do is to accept what has come our way. Being honest, I had a bit of selfish motive, that I wouldn't want a closing because my birthday was coming up and I had some lovely plans. But I realised that my little purpose is nothing when compared to the greater cause. There are those who didn't get a chance to hold their weddings, funerals of their loved ones, celebrate the joy of a new life coming into their family, graduations maybe and so many essential moments that we have in our lives. I had the lovely chance of celebrating it with my family at home, a chance that I got after 3 years.
I now have all the time in the world, apart from the time that is spent in the assignments and deadlines, this is the best time we can get to work on ourselves. None of us can step out and busy ourselves with social situations. Staying in all day, even for a person like me who prefers indoors over outdoors and people almost all the time, can be frustrating. There is the constant need to find something to do. And the best way to be productive is sticking to a normal workday schedule, that way, its easier to plan and see how much time we can spare for ourselves. Diving towards things that we've always kept for another day because our schedules couldn't afford time to it; now is the time. Take this time to truly understand yourself, retrospect and introspect about moments in life and how you can become a better human. This time that we are getting, though unexpected and not for a happy occasion, is a time we all needed; to give time to our families, to actually open our eyes and see what is happening around us, to give to ourselves and take a proper look at ourselves and see what can we do better? This time once gone, trust me, you will wish you had done it justice. Do all those things that you always wanted to. Discover your talents and develop the skills that you gave up after high school or college. Find a means to give your life and this break a meaning. Also, keep staying active and healthy.
As for me, I am back to doing what a love; writing, working out and not to forget, sleeping (trying to compensate for all the lost sleep hours in college). I am working on my drawing skills, reading new books and brushing up my knowledge of the Indian scriptures. Working to make myself a better person. What are you doing?

Stay safe, stay indoors, stay smart,
My wishes and strength to you,


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