Fitting in...

8th of July 2018, was the day this blog began. And that is 1 year ago! Can you believe it has been 1 year? Because I for one, surely cannot.
So celebrating one year of this little corner of the world wide web, here's something that I assume we can all relate to.

The world is a big place. Billions of people, and each one so different.
Different, in the way we talk. Different, in the way we walk, how we dress, what we speak, how we live, how we think. We are all so, different. And that is how we're meant to be. Even if we are talking in terms of evolution, for the sake of genetic variation.
But what is sad is that, all of us, in some way or the other, try to fit in. Trying to be something that you saw on the billboard when you were driving by, or something you saw on social media, or media in general. Or maybe just trying to be, like those cool kids in school. Or the cool group of students in college. Oh, they are all cool, on the outside. But little do we know what lurks beneath the 'cool'ness.
Are they truly who they want to be? Or they too are like any other, fitting in to what they think is cool.
Whatever it is, when we tear it all down, into simple thought, one thing is very clear. We are all living in the constant need to please. Pleasing the others? I think so. Because, trust me, if I focused only on pleasing myself, I would never try to fit in. Also, because we all are in the constant need of a company. We want people to accept us, and when that doesn't happen when we are ourselves, we change ourselves. But what we need to change is not ourselves, instead the company we seek.
I am not some wise old woman to talk about how life is to be lived, or how one should be. But I truly believe that, living our lives lying to ourselves, is definitely not the way.
I have been there too. Seeking acceptance, wanting to be cool. But you know what, it gets really really tiring after sometime. I got tired of not being myself, tired of how much I was trying. And I decided and came to a conclusion; that I will stop pretending. Because it was exhausting and frustrating. I decided to be true to myself. And if I fail to be accepted or to please anyone, they are free to walk away and that those who really like who I am will stay. And nothing is more beautiful and truthful than such relations, the kind of ones where everyone is just truly themselves and enjoy each others' company without trying hard.
This is the one life we get! This is all we got with us! Then why be someone else? You got this life to live it your way, to make it your life. So do it!
It doesn't matter if you don't have those shoes that everyone else is wearing. Or that flirty shade of lipstick you saw on that girl the other day. It doesn't matter if you can't talk as well as someone else can, or if you cannot work like them. It doesn't matter what someone else is doing or what they are looking like or wearing. That is the way they are. And being you is the way you are.
If you can, then be inspired by the way someone is. Maybe by their work ethic, by their perseverance towards staying fit, by their confidence to be themselves, by their fashion sense or maybe just by their kindness or humbleness. See the good in others and be inspired, not envious, not jealous, but inspired. And that is something I have been doing. How I changed my view.
There is nothing to fit in about. There isn't anything cool about wasting away your time, trying to not be you. Nothing good comes out of that. So take time, and introspect. See who you really are, and just work on yourself to get better, in whatever you are and whatever it is that you do. Because someone too, is looking at you and wishing they could be like you. We all have something in us that someone will like and seek and want. So be inspired and inspire others. Accept yourself and be so comfortable being yourself, that others don't feel the need to be someone else in front of you. Be comfortable in your skin, and let others be in theirs.
Live your life your way. Be true to yourself, and see how much things change. And if this causes people to leave, let them go. You don't need someone who forces you to be someone else.
Nothing is more profoundly beautiful then being truly, humbly, proudly and unapologetically yourself.

I hope you find your true self soon.



  1. Perfectly true. I liked it so much. When I related it to myself, I have realised those were the happiest moments when I was truly myself.


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