Writer's Note

Hey there reader!

Thank you so much for coming along this far with my blog. I know it's not much, but it is something nonetheless.

It has been really long since the last post, hasn't it? My my! time flew by me so fast, and I just realised that I have kept you waiting. My apologies dear friend. Trust me when I say it was unintentional.

I am back now, with some free time to write. Its summer break and here I am trying not to sleep all day! Trying to compensate months worth of lost sleep... And the tropical heat is just draining all my energy. *High five* if you agree with me. We definitely got to do something about all the global warming, this ain't a joke anymore. Anyway, more of that later.

The main reason I am adding this note, is to give a little insight into the writer's mind. My mind.
I started this blog with a sense of great purpose. Not kidding. It was an amazing platform to put my poems and the inspiration behind them, my thoughts and views on various topics and maybe pour out my heart to the reader about life and things. I hoped to have an impact on the reader with my words.
Maybe one day it would have enough impact to change someones life, for the better.
And I am striving towards that. And the only way I can make that happen is when this blog reaches out to more people.
So, dear reader, every time you read my words and feel a surge of emotions, or just like the way the words have arranged themselves, spread the feeling to those around you. Seeing that someone from some part of the world has read my work and it put them into a fit of laughter, or a smile on their face, or they realised that they are not alone and have a support here, it is the best feeling in the world for me. Nothing would amount to that feeling.

Words are my biggest strength and my greatest weapon
I thank you with all my heart, my dear friend...



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