Something A Little New...

First off, let me wish you all a very very Happy New Year!
Another year goes, a New Year has come. How fast time flies right? Its 2019 already! I remember thinking, a couple of years back, what I would be like in 2018, what would I be doing? Where would I be? Feels crazy that I know the answers to all that now.
It had been an eventful year for me. I got to learn so much about myself, about the people around me.
I got another year of memories to hold close and cherish. Some people entered my life, some kinda distanced. New acquaintances got close, friends got closer. Oh and most importantly, I turned 18! Now that is something! (Honestly, it made no difference!)

Change is a constant thing. We cannot stop it from happening. The world is constantly changing. The people are changing, in both the good way and the bad. The Universe is changing. So are our lives. With every new year, we like to bring changes to our lives. We decide, "Okay from this new year, I will be...............". We fill this blank with so many things. And it truly is amazing to see people work on their 'resolutions' sincerely... but for a very short time. Let's all be honest, how many of us truly kept to our resolutions for the whole year? If you did, then take a bow my friend. If not, then welcome to the family!  It doesn't feel great, right? That we decide to do so much, and end up not reaching our targets. So let's take a look into where we are going wrong.

Maybe our expectations from ourselves are too high. Keeping unrealistic expectations is the biggest hurdle. Trust me, I am telling this from personal experiences. We keep a goal, that's too high from where we stand, and expect to reach there. And when we don't, disappointment. We go into loathing. It brings down the will to work hard, because we aren't able to see any progress, and then there is the loss of motivation. It's a chain reaction. And therefore, the first change to be brought this year, Make Realistic Goals. Know your potential, don't overestimate yourself and assume you will be able to climb the Everest just because you could trek to the nearest hill easily. Big dreams take years worth of hard work and sweat and dedication. 'Rome wasn't built in a day'.  Dedication, most importantly. It doesn't matter even if your progress is 1 mm per day, it is still progress. You still are 1 mm closer to your goal. And so we come to the second point, Dedication. Visualize yourself at the finish line, feels amazing right? Now think how it would be if you actually reached it. You would feel like you are at the top of the world, you would be proud of yourself, for all the work you did. It's the best feeling, and it is worth every minute, every tear, every ouch to every wow that you put into working towards it. So go do it! Introspect, Make a list of your resolutions, Visualize, Work! At the end of the year, you'll be happy. Don't wait for the next year even if you mess up half way through. Make the very next moment or the very next day your new year, your new beginning. The reason we celebrate New Years Day is because we all want a new beginning, because honestly speaking, the Earth never comes back to the same place, the Sun is moving and so are the planets along with it. We are constantly hurtling at extraordinary speed in the Space, there is no stopping. New Years Day truly has no astronomical value. (Sorry for ruining it for you!).  The 1st of January is just as same as any other day you had the previous year, but we take it as a fresh start. So why not make any day your 1st January? Why wait for something? Wipe off the record, start again any time you wish to. Everyday can be a new day to do something great. So make your battle plan. And if that doesn't work, plan for a war. Just don't give up.

Now the rest is up to you. If you ask me, it is very easy to keep up to your goals when you know they are achievable. Baby steps, that's how we learn to walk. And that's how any great thing begins. Don't aim for that 100% straight away. That 100% is a long term plan. As of now, aim for a 5%, or 3%, up to you. And keep adding to that and in a while, all that will add up to give you your 100%.

So on this note, I wish you all succeed in your resolutions. Also on the occasion of the New Year, I would love to share this news...
One of my poems is now published in a book! *insert screaming* I know, it sounds amazing, right? God! This was the best gift I could get this New Year! And it wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the constant support I receive from my family and from you guys! Your views and comments inspire me to write more, it gives me confidence that they are worth a read, and that keeps me going. Thank you guys so much! And a huge shout out to Delhi Poetry Slam for giving me this honour of being a part of their book.

Stay amazing, Stay healthy, Stay strong
