What Our Words Can Mean...

Hello there!

Its been long hasn't it? Well, I have successfully completed an academic year at college. Hence the long gap between the previous post and this. Exams truly drain you out! But it is a great feeling, I am now one more step closer to being a doctor and living my dream.
And right now, I sit on the kitchen floor back at home, writing this, talking to my family and just enjoying the good times before another eventful year at college.

Friends are those people we share everything with. In fact, sometimes, there are things we tell our friends that we don't even confide with our family. They hold our secrets, they support us, they be a shoulder to cry on. And true friends even tell you when you are wrong and help you succeed. Such friends, we must hold close.
I have the lovely blessing to have such people in life. Those strangers who become family when your family isn't around.
So this post is the result of a suggestion from one such friend. They have always confided in me and shared their worries with me. And to be honest, I could be nothing more than a ear to them. There was truly nothing I could do except tell them that I will always be here to support them. I wish I could do more. So this is a little bit of the 'more' I thought I could do.

Sometimes people never realize the impact their words have on others. And not all times is this a positive impact. We live in a world where most of us have freedom of speech. We have the right to speak our mind. But there are times that our words end up becoming knives to someone's heart.
Criticism can be helpful to see flaws and make adjustments. But when it crosses a limit, it can only be hurtful. But the person criticizing seldom realizes this. For them its, 'Hey, I was just saying, I didn't mean to hurt.' Whether you mean't to or not depends on you, but we must know that the other person might not take it the same way.
And then, there are those, whose sole purpose is to downgrade others. They feed on criticizing. I don't know why, do they think it's cool? Maybe for them. Not for the one standing in their line of fire. This isn't even criticism. It is down right rude. These people do not let others be themselves. Using your right to free speech is good as long as you don't end up hurting someone. That is just wrong. You may tell me,'Hey, this is a free country!'. But we even have a rule of causing no harm to fellow people, right? How come you forgot that?
Speak your mind, yes you should, but if it is not going to be doing any good to the other, it's better not to do it. You know, how they say, If you don't have anything good to say, it's better not to say anything. 
Don't be the remembered as that person who ruined someone's day or someone's life through your words. Use your words for the better. There is so much you can do. But just don't be a bully.
This even applies to commenting online. Internet is so amazing, but some people use it to throw nasty comments at other. Like, such a vast expanse of the internet, you could do so much! And this is the best they can do? Be unnecessarily mean?
Sometimes the freedom of speech we get on the internet is misused so much. I have seen so many hate filled comments, pages, even sites! People do have a lot of time on their hands for hate right?! And when asked to lend a helping hand, all that free time disappears, they are suddenly too busy to be concerned, too busy to even throw a glance.

So, how do we deal with negative criticism? Honestly, I don't know. I guess, we can take the good part out of it and make amends to the wrong part of ourselves and become better humans. If there is nothing good we can take out of the criticism, then just ignore it. Just know that people will always say something, and you can't please everyone. We are not born to please others and live our lives how they want us to. We are born to pave our own path and live our life our way, which we all are on the process of doing, I hope. So if someone is pointing out something all the time, it's probably because they aren't able to be like you. Don't fuss over it. Ignore. That is it.

So, basically, all I want to say through this big blog post is that, 'I am free after a long time and have got time on my hands!'. No, that's not the only thing I want you to know. It's that, our words are a very powerful weapon. As Albus Dumbledore said, "Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it". We don't realize that we have the power to make such difference in this world with just our words. Let's spread love, there's already way too much hate and rudeness, there is no need to add more! Let's be kind whenever we can, and when we can't, our silence is an answer in itself.

Until next time,
